During the first US tour the Debonaires embarked upon in 2004, Kip W., singer and good friend, took this photo in Chicago. Later, after the tour and during the standard recovery after a 2 month road trip, this picture surfaced and really caught my attention.
Whether Kip meant to symbolize anything from this reflexionary photo or not, it said something profound to me about life in general. This faceless and omnipresent sillouette of a person is reflecting throught the velocity of a fast moving and noisy subway car. The photo tells a story of how we should look at our lives.
I look at this photo as reflecting more than just an image of ourselves, much like a mirror; this photo; however, shows reflection at an exact moment when things make sense. The subway car symbolizes the path, speed and velocity in which our lives are reflected off of. The stationary figure, of course, symbolizes each person who is saturated in the common timeline of life. We are a part of this velocity and exist in the same parallel as time. We can never stop the train or ride the train alone, however, we can choose where the fuck we want to go. I chose to transfer.